Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Welcome to Psychology Class of 2015!

Welcome Class of 2015 AP Psychology students! This website will provide additional study guides, links to support class material, real life application examples, and an opportunity for you to learn more psychology as well as interact with one another to facilitate your learning. If you have suggestions, ideas, comments, etc. please share them!

I hope you enjoy!

You may also want to visit Collegeboard website for more information about your AP Psychology exam as well as your other AP exams, SAT, and Subject Tests.

(Yes, this is the website you'll visit later on your College Treasure Hunt.)

This is a very useful website to help you find a good college fit and explore educational opportunities. - Remember to ask your school counselor for more information. She has a plethora of information that she would love to share with you. - Start now so you don't stress out to make application deadlines. Avoid stress. - Remember also to ask your parents, older siblings/cousins, and trusted adult role models to assist you in your college search. It's important to do as much research as you can and gain information from various trusted sites. BUT remember to take time for yourself to listen to yourself and reflect on who you are and who you want to become.


Remember to look for scholarships too. You are more than capable and qualified to earn yourself a scholarship but remember that a scholarship won't drop into your lap; you have to take the time and effort to find yourself a scholarship.

Good luck!

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